Monday, January 30, 2012

thought paper

            San Francisco is a huge city with a vey rich culture to it. You never know whom you will meet or what you could run into while in San Francisco. There are so many things to be learned from exploring the city. The culture can inspire and enlighten new thoughts and ideas. I am from New Jersey and this is my first time ever being in the city. I have not had the opportunity to explore much as of yet. This city is very interesting and inspirational I cannot wait to get to know the city better.
            There are so many things that I would want to see while exploring the city. I am very interested in art, As in museum or anywhere like just to the streets’ am very open-minded and am interested in seeing all of the different cites that san Francisco. Has to offer. When looking at the list of places that we will be exploring there are ones that stand out to me. I think that golden gate park; ocean beach, mission and Haight Asbury seem to be some of the most interesting places to me. I Am very excited to get to know the city of San Francisco better, so far from the little of the city I have seen, it is a great place.
When studying signage in San Francisco I think that it can be both ethnography and visual anthropology. When studying ethnography in San Francisco we could look at the old historic building. By studying these building we would be able to get somewhat of an idea of how the people in the past have lived. We could also look at the items they used to help us connect the past with the present.
Visual anthropology could be very useful to study. By visiting a museum in San Francisco Could help to get a better understanding of other cultures through their artwork. Also the uses of looking at photography and films of the past could be a great way to better know a certain area and the people who live there.
            San Francisco is a great place to study in. By visual anthropology and ethnography as was to better learn about the city. I am very interested to better explore the city and get to know more about San Francisco in a way that I have never known before.

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